6 Apps That Let You Get To Know Space And Astronomy Up Close - Seu Seguro

6 Apps That Let You Get To Know Space And Astronomy Up Close

Discover the universe from your phone with these six astronomy apps that let you explore stars, planets and galaxies in incredible detail.


This Wednesday, the 26th, I’m going to show you new apps for those who like to admire stars, constellations and planets, but don’t really recognize what they’re observing in the sky, especially at night when the sky is bright and full of points of the most many different.

See below, 6 applications that allow you to know stars and planets, some of them even have the possibility to follow what happened in space in real time, with the help of satellites that are present at the time.

celestial chart

One of the apps listed is Sky chart, attracted by millions of users, the app takes advantage of your location to list which stars are available in your viewing area. In this sense, there are some places that will hardly be possible to see all of them, due to the great luminosity and pollution. All you need to do is point your phone in the direction you want in the sky.


You will be able to see options such as constellations, satellites, meteors, stars, among others. You don’t need to be an astronomer to gain knowledge of space and its stars. This application has detailed information about each planet in the solar system.


SkyView is one of the most talked about apps by astronomy lovers, for its ease and effectiveness. In this sense, through it it is possible to observe the stars, constellations, stars and planets with great visibility.

You need to enable device location and authorize the app to share your data. People can also leave the device’s camera available, so it is better to see the stars through the feature that allows you to increase the vision.

However, the application works the same for those who choose not to share this information.

Solar Walk Lite

Solar Walk Lite is yet another app option for those who take the time to admire the bright spots in the sky in order to decipher them. While it is known for having a great educational dynamic, for offering a wealth of details in its interface.

The tool allows you to view planets, stars, stars, including the International Space Station, known by the acronym (ISS). Therefore, in addition to having access to photo albums available in the app.

In this way, you can observe the real-time rotation of the planets. Also, you can choose any date and even time to navigate through space on the desired day. It also has a 3D vision system with the help of special glasses.

Sky Map

Sky Map is a phenomenal tool, which started to appear through Google, but soon after it became available to Sky Map Devs, and became an open source. So, despite being a great option among astronomy apps and one of the most rated apps on Google Play, Sky Map seems to be simpler.

This is a different system, as, for example, the augmented reality feature, which allows a close-up view of the planets, stars and constellations, was not available. It is only possible to observe your geographic positions from your location.

In this sense, you can zoom in on the stars if you wish. It is available for free on the Android platform. In addition to having a brilliant interface that allows you to slide the images, helping a better visualization to facilitate knowledge.


Stellarium is a super ideal applicationfor contemplating the stars and constellations, so, in addition to having a charming and harmonious operating system, the tool offers a lot of auxiliary functions and similar to the others mentioned in this article.

This app is very useful, although you will have to pay R$ 79.90 to any user if you want to have access to it. But it’s really worth a try. It also provides a constellation catalog for those who have always wanted to know more about constellations in other cultures.

Star Chat

Another beautiful opportunity, provided with simple and very interesting features is the Star Chart application, being possible to view planets, stars, moon and constellations through the augmented reality function, you just need to install it, and then it is possible to observe the stars for visualization.

In this sense, you can configure the location option manually or automatically, if the tool is available. And for those who are more curious about the stars, stars, constellations among others, it is possible to search for some more specific information through the search bar contained in the application.

Postado e revisado Sandro Freitas Apps em 26/01/2022
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