Apps That Are Trending In (2023) – Discover - Seu Seguro

Apps That Are Trending – Discover

Especially during the pandemic, some types of apps have become essential in people’s lives!


Even in the most basic everyday tasks, such as working, going to the market, paying a bill, connecting with other people, leisure. or even to eat that delicious food that we love so much.

Therefore, with so many innovations and facilities that these platforms have brought to people’s lives, the trend is for these types of applications to become even more present in people’s lives.

Therefore, we will present in this article a list of apps that are trending, and that you definitely need to know.


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Social networking apps

It is believed that not only because of the interaction between people, social networks, especially Instagram , are today the largest means of marketing for the largest companies in the world, whether through ads, but also because of the growing number and reach that digital influencers are having. having on the population.

Augmented reality and virtual reality

Apps that are trending in 2022 – Discover

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Augmented and virtual reality already had great growth potential, but with the mandatory lockdown, remote study and remote work, this gained even more space. In view of this the concept of the metaverse and the reappearance of the concept in the current reality, Microsoft developed the Microsoft Mesh platform was created, as an attempt for people from different places to share and collaborate with holographic experiences on different devices.

Electronic sports

Apps that are trending in 2023 – Discover

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The world of eSports is rapidly evolving. There always seems to be an event happening, and the amount of news is staggering. Eforce , Strafe and other apps that cover everything about these digital sports.


Another trend for 2022 is microvideos that are on the rise in several apps, such as TikTokKwaiiYoutube Shorts, and Instagram reels that achieve greater visibility and are used not only for entertainment but also as a marketing vehicle.

Therefore, performing a general analysis based on the increase in the number of registered users over the years and especially after the pandemic. Apps that count microvideos that are at their peak on all networks, such as Youtube , TikTok and others, tend to amplify in the year 2022.

This also happens when we talk about social networks, because more and more digital reality is proving that you don’t necessarily need to be next to someone to be close, as applications like Facebook, Instagram , Snapchat, Facebook Messenger can connect everyone to anytime and from anywhere.

In addition, being nothing new, the amplification of online movie platforms, which first occurred as a replacement for physical rental stores, both for cost and practicality, has been gaining even more acceptance and visibility among the population in this post-pandemic period. Therefore, the top ranking in this market is the Netflix platform , which is gaining more subscribers every day.

Finally, as all other basic activities of people’s daily lives are becoming more viable and practical realities in the virtual world, we also have digital shopping places, with Amazon Shopping as the sales leader , which has revenue above US$ 386 billion in the year 2020, tending to increase every day.

Postado e revisado Karla Soares Apps em 23/02/2022
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