Fortnite, Why the Game is so Successful Today
Fortnite, the game that conquered millions of players around the world! Find out why it’s so successful.
Fortnite, why the game is so successful today
From time to time, in the world of video games there is a turnaround, where a new game arrives and attracts everyone’s attention, leaving behind records that already established games had achieved.
And that’s exactly what happened with Fortnite, which is here to stay!
You’re probably thinking, but I’ve never even heard of it, but it’s pretty safe that your kids or kids around you are card-carrying fanatics.
For those who still don’t know it, in today’s post we’ll make a small presentation of the game and show the new features of the platform.
So you can understand why Fortnite is so successful among kids, even reaching classrooms.
Which demonstrates that teaching and technology can go hand in hand in the 21st century.
What is Fortnite?

Fortnite (Google source)
First of all we have to know what it is. Fortnite is a Battle Royale game, and this means that players have to stay alive until the end of the game, which is played on a completely random map.
From the moment it starts, each player has to take care of himself and do everything to not die. Even if you’re part of a team of a maximum of 4 people, it’s every man for himself.
During the game resources, abilities and even different maps can be collected, this will help to stay longer in the game, which ends when only one player remains who is the winner.
Basically, the game’s success is based on the different combat methods that can be created within Fortnite, which makes it much more creative and dynamic.
Around the world it has already reached millions of fans of all ages. Many even broadcast their matches live or in videos.
Finding available resources is completely random, as it can happen that you started playing today and have little skill, and out of nowhere you get the most powerful weapon on the map.
This can certainly be a lot of work for those with more experience!
Innovations Fortnite brought to Battle Royale games

Fortnite(Google source)
Epic Games, the company that developed the game, is largely responsible for the innovations that the game has offered. Among the many innovations, we can find new game modes, innovative gameplay mechanics and of course, the creation of new weapons and clothing for the characters.
That said, we can appreciate that the biggest new feature of all is the building mechanic performed within each match. This without a doubt has completely revolutionized the Battle Royale genre. The player, in addition to facing enemies at all times, has to create houses with high walls to protect himself, as well as create traps for his opponents. Another factor that makes the platform so popular are the temporal changes that the player can acquire along the way, such as “zero gravity”, in which the character behaves as if there were no gravity. As well as the “special items” make all the success.
All this makes the games always different, and even if you’ve been practicing for a long time, the game will always be challenging. And even new players with little experience can turn the game on its head. Making everything that much more exciting.
Why is Fortnite so successful?
Fortnite’s overwhelming success is not only due to something specific, but to a number of factors, in addition to having a very well-structured and balanced base, which can be seen throughout the game.
Even those watching a game for the first time are really amazed, as this is an electronic game where the main objective is survival. For this, the creators make use of graphics with more vivid colors. Without a doubt, this game makes the difference in the market, since unlike other similar games, they prioritize creation practices and gameplay. The sum of all this makes it conquer both adults and children all over the world.
Another fact that obviously makes it so successful is that it is a free game, where the purchases that can be made are not mandatory and do not affect the player’s performance. Therefore, people can enjoy this experience without having to spend money.
Of course, we couldn’t fail to mention that Marketing plays a key role in success. Epic Games specialized team has made several partnerships with famous characters from pop culture. As well as hundreds of well-known youtubers play their matches live for thousands of followers to watch. As a result, daily the game gains more and more fans around the world.

Fortnite (Google source)
How can a game be used as a strategy in the classroom?
Here is when we can see the incredible success that the game has achieved and even manage to be inside the classroom. This fact occurred in the United States, where a teacher used the game to help children learn and concentrate. Basically, she agreed with the students that after finishing all their daily tasks, they would have a debate about the game. The idea really worked!
So much so, that even the shyest students joined in the debates as it was their favorite game. Fortnite demonstrates how just a game can contribute to student learning at school.
See also our post: 5 online shooting games check out the best. It will certainly be very useful and help you to clear doubts about the subject. And it doesn’t stop there, we have many other relevant topics to share.

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