How to Control Blood Pressure? 07 Tips For You! - Seu Seguro

How to Control Blood Pressure? 07 Tips For You!

Learn how to control blood pressure: follow our simple and effective tips!


Currently, hypertension is considered one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Patient is diagnosed with this disease when his blood pressure is always higher than normal frequently and requires following some medical care.

Blood pressure is responsible for pumping blood from the heart to other organs in the body. When blood is pumped, it is pushed against the walls of the blood vessels, creating tension in the arteries.

When the patient suffers from hypertension, damage to various organs such as the heart, kidneys, eyes and brain can occur. As well as it can also develop secondary arterial hypertension that normally manages to be controlled with drugs.


According to the activity we carry out, the pressure may vary. When we perform some physical activity it increases, and when sleeping it decreases. As well as following some guidelines it is possible to control blood pressure properly. In today’s post, we’re going to talk a little more about it. Follow!

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To control blood pressure, what do you need to know?

Pressure control is usually done using specific devices. They are becoming more and more modern, and we can find different devices on the market that fulfill this function.

Despite the technology, the most accurate and used continues to be the sphygmomanometer, which we can often find in hospitals and offices. Surely you must have already seen or even measured the pressure with him. This type of device is capable of measuring pressure by compressing the brachial artery. However, for the result to be correct, it is important that the patient follows some guidelines:

  • Rest for 10 minutes;
  • Not having performed physical activity 1 hour before;
  • Not having a full bladder;
  • Not having smoked 30 minutes before;

Soon the patient needs to sit comfortably and with both feet backed on the floor. The arm should be at chest height, well stretched, turning the palm upwards.

The device compresses the brachial artery to measure pressure. This artery is the continuation of the axillary artery. With regard to food ingested before the pressure is measured, there is no contraindication.

The pressure can be measured in either arm if there is any difference taking into account the highest result. If this difference exceeds 20 mmHg, it should be investigated to find out the reasons.

Controlling blood pressure allows the person to have a better quality of life, so it is important that this is done frequently, as well as following some of the advice that we will see below.

Tips for taking care of blood pressure

control blood pressure

How to control blood pressure? Tips for you to follow!

It doesn’t matter if the pressure is low or high, or even those who don’t suffer from it should take care of their health, since the pressure is very important in the good performance of the body’s organs.

For this, it is good to follow some tips:

1 – Practicing physical exercises

Hiking is undoubtedly one of the best options for those suffering from this disease. Studies indicate that this type of activity reduces blood pressure in the first hour, and can maintain this reduction for the next 24 hours.

Another excellent option can also be aerobic exercises, as they improve the functioning of the lungs and circulation.

2-Moderate caffeine consumption

For better blood pressure control, it is important to moderate caffeine consumption. Limit the intake of caffeinated beverages such as coffee, black tea, and cola-based sodas. If you do consume them, do so in moderation and avoid them close to bedtime.

3-Eliminate cigarettes

One of the main substances that cigarettes have is nicotine, which is highly harmful to health. Experts recommend that this habit be completely eliminated and thus prevent cardiovascular diseases from happening.

4-Consume vitamin D

control blood pressure

How to control blood pressure? Tips for you to follow!

Vitamin D is important for our health, and studies carried out in the United States confirm that 20% of people who suffer from hypertension are due to a lack of this vitamin in the body.

It is easily found in foods such as: liver, egg yolk and butter. But its main source is sunlight. When this vitamin is lacking in the body, it has to work harder to maintain circulatory balance.

5-Sleep well at night

Having a peaceful night’s sleep helps maintain the body’s health. This invigorating rest is the best way for the body to recover after a busy day. In hypertensive people, sleep should be a priority, thus avoiding various diseases such as heart failure.

When blood circulation is compromised, the body releases adrenaline, and this hormone constricts blood vessels, which causes blood pressure to rise.

A good night’s sleep helps you control your blood pressure properly. For this, relax your body and mind. Avoid using your cell phone, and if you wish, you can do a quick read before bed.

6-Reduce sodium (salt) consumption

For people suffering from high blood pressure, salt can be a real enemy. When preparing your daily food, reduce the amount you use and avoid consuming processed foods.

7-Visit the doctor regularly to control blood pressure

control blood pressure

How to control blood pressure? Tips for you to follow!

It’s important that you don’t just go to the doctor if you have any health problems. The ideal is to have a consultation at least once a year, and have a complete check-up that includes routine exams.

How to control blood pressure – Conclusion

As we can see, controlling blood pressure is essential and can be easily done by acquiring new habits. Remember, blood pressure is vital for organs to function well. In case of any doubts, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

See also our post:The ideal blood pressure for each age: Understand the recommended values. It will certainly be very useful and help you to clear doubts about the subject. And it doesn’t stop there, we have many other relevant topics to share. 

Postado e revisado Sandro Freitas Tips em 16/02/2023
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