Nails: 06 Tips to Strengthen Your Nails at Home - Seu Seguro

Nails: 06 Tips to Strengthen Your Nails at Home

Por: Sandro Freitas

Are you tired of your nails breaking all the time? I know how it is, but today I will help you with this.

What many people don’t know is that nails are often the mirror of how our health is. The color or even the appearance indicate many things.

A curiosity that you may not know, when someone is going to have surgery they cannot go with nail polish. This is because the doctors and the anesthesiologist present there constantly keep an eye on your coloring. If it changes color, it could be indicating that something is wrong.

Every day more women end up choosing to put on false nails, as they are unable to maintain proper care for their natural nails or find it too difficult.

Today I will show you some simple and very easy tips to strengthen your nails that you can even do at home. Shall we take a look?

Avoid bad habits

Let’s start first by knowing habits that you may have and it’s good to leave them aside, as they only harm and keep you away from strengthening your nails.

The first of them is that many women sometimes have this habit and innocently pull out the enamel with their teeth. Our nail has several thin layers and when incorrectly removing the enamel, some of these layers can be damaged, making the nails weaker.

Next we have the famous acetone! Yes, she is one of the main enemies when we want to strengthen our nails. Experts recommend opting for nail polish removers which can be a little more expensive, but it’s worth it. Really use acetone if you have no other option, as it causes damage to the nail.

Biting the nail and removing the cuticle in excess also harms the nail, and we’ll talk about that next.

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Take care of the cuticles. Do not forget!


Tips to strengthen your nails at home

Cuticles are an essential part of the nail, and their care is very important when it comes to strengthening nails.

Many manicurists have the custom of removing the cuticle in excess, as they are like a kind of “shield” against bacteria and fungi. The most recommended by experts is to push it in with a spatula and remove only the excess.

If you’re still in doubt, let me share some scientifically based information with you: studies show that not removing cuticles has no influence on healthy nail growth.

And don’t forget to always keep them hydrated. In the market you can find a huge variety of products, such as creams, waxes, among others.

Take care of food

As seen in previous posts, having a healthy diet is important for many aspects of health. When it comes to hair, skin and nails, the foods we eat make all the difference.

What many don’t know is that in order to strengthen nails, care starts from the inside out, and in this your food plays a fundamental role, since for them to grow, the body needs vitamins and proteins.

Let’s see some foods that are excellent allies that you can include in your meals:

  • Spinach
  • Orange
  • Strawberry
  • This
  • Bean
  • Oat

Always moisturize


Tips for you to do at home

We often forget that the nail also needs hydration and special care.

To strengthen nails, hydration is essential. Since when they dry they tend to become brittle.

To achieve adequate hydration, preference is given to products that contain aloe vera, olive oil and shea butter among their components. Experts recommend always using a moisturizing soap when washing your hands.

A very valuable tip: after washing your hands, always use a moisturizing hand cream, you will notice the difference!

Use the right products for the region

In supermarkets and pharmacies, we always find a huge variety of nail care products. It is always important to purchase the right products for the region.

To take good care of your nails at home, you don’t need a lot of products, even if they are expensive. On the shelves we can find good products that are more affordable and of great quality.

Here is a list of basic products for you to take care of and strengthen your nails at home:

  • Hand moisturizer
  • Cuticle cream
  • Pliers
  • Cuticle pusher
  • Enamel
  • Strengthening base
  • Sandpaper
  • Toothpick for cleaning
  • Nail polish remover

As you can see, these are simple products that used properly will make all the difference!

Don’t bite your nails


Tips for you to do at home

I know well how difficult it is for those who have this habit to leave it aside. But it is just as harmful when we want to strengthen our nails, not to mention the damage it does to our teeth.

Biting your nails harms tooth enamel and tooth development.

This habit  weakens the nails and is bad for your health. If you want to kick this “addiction”, a good option is to use bases that have a more bitter taste, they are made specifically for this purpose.


In search of strong, healthy and stunning nails, our complete guide revealed valuable secrets to achieve this goal. By understanding that nails are a reflection of our health, we learn the importance of caring for them with care and dedication.

By giving up harmful habits such as pulling enamel off with our teeth, avoiding excessive use of acetone, we allow our nails to naturally strengthen. By properly caring for the cuticles and keeping them hydrated, we protect our nails from potential damage.

Recognizing the importance of nutrition for strong nails, we incorporate vitamins and protein through foods such as spinach, oranges, strawberries, eggs, beans, oats and bananas.

With constant hydration and the use of the right products, we guarantee that our nails are protected and prepared to face the day to day.


Tips for you to do at home

Thus, armed with knowledge and simple practices, our nails become true jewels, reflecting our confidence and well-being. Let’s follow this path, and soon we will reap the fruits!

See also our post: See the impacts of excessive screen use on vision. It will certainly be very useful and help you to clear doubts about the subject. And it doesn’t stop there, we have many other relevant topics to share.


Posted and reviewed Sandro Freitas Tips on 07/08/23
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