Practical Tips for Taking Amazing Photos With Your Cell Phone: 16 Unmissable Tricks - Seu Seguro

Practical Tips for Taking Amazing Photos With Your Cell Phone: 16 Unmissable Tricks

Practical tips for taking amazing photos with your cell phone: 16 unmissable tricks.


If you want to take quality photos, keep reading and check out today’s post.

When we go to buy a smartphone, one of the first things we look at is certainly whether the camera is good.

However, sometimes even with an inferior camera it is possible to get good results. Since to take good pictures, it is essential to know how to use the available resources, even if they are few.


So, in today’s post I selected some practical tips for taking amazing photos with your cell phone. It doesn’t matter if you are already an expert in the field or are just starting out, they will certainly be of great use to you.

Come check it out!

1- Before taking photos, clean the cell phone camera lens

Practical tips for taking amazing photos with your cell phone

Practical tips for taking amazing photos with your cell phone(Google source)


Yes, I know you must be thinking this is obvious, but a lot of people forget to do this often. Sometimes a blurry or blurry photo can be due to the lens being dirty. Not to mention that dirt on the lens affects the device’s sensors, which may not be able to properly focus or expose the scenes you want to photograph.

2- Beware of backlighting

Backlight can be the enemy of any photo. This occurs when the light comes from behind the object or person you are photographing. When this occurs, the cell phone camera sensor usually adjusts the photo in order to reduce the clarity emitted by a given light source. As a result, the rest of the photo is also dark.

3- In closed places stay close to windows

Logically closed places tend to have less light than open places. Even if we don’t notice it, the camera sensor can see it. When this occurs, the cell phone usually automatically configures itself to take pictures indoors with longer exposure time and higher ISO. Because of this, the photo often comes out blurry or with artifacts.

4- Think about the light

When photographing a person, the light that is reflected by that person is captured, which reaches the camera sensor. Therefore, if the person is in the dark, the photo will certainly be darkened. So that this does not happen, light the object or person you want to photograph well.

5- Avoid zooming in

Avoid zooming in

Avoid zooming in(Google source)

Among the practical tips for taking amazing photos with your cell phone, this one is definitely worth it. Unless your device has more than one camera, avoid zooming as much as possible. When the cell phone has only one camera, the zoom only cuts a piece of the complete image, and certainly does not really approach the object. So, prefer to simply get closer to your goal!

6- Prefer more diffuse lighting

In the same way that lighting is important in a photograph, throwing light randomly doesn’t help at all. For example, in the case of the flash, it manages to illuminate what we want to photograph, but at the same time creates shadows. Therefore, the best thing is to do indirect lighting. Ask someone to turn on the cell phone flashlight, point it to a white wall, and then stand in front of that wall to be photographed.

7- Get the exposure right

Generally, almost all camera applications have an exposure adjustment, in which you click on a certain point on the screen and the camera adjusts itself to adequately illuminate this point. If you want a closer look at how this works, do the following: open your phone’s camera and select a darker area of the image. You will be able to observe how the whole image becomes lighter to lighten that piece.

8- Understand HDR

Surely you have already noticed this feature that is usually at the top when we open the cell phone camera. HDR (High Dynamic Range) means high dynamic range. When activated, when taking a photo, it takes three, with different levels of exposure, combining the areas of greater detail in each one. This feature can be excellent for shooting in backlight or when the image is overly lit, or it can even help with landscape photographs.

9- Excessive brightness can be a problem

It is normal that around noon, the sun is at its highest position in the sky. Therefore, there is a lot of light everywhere, and when photographing this can be a little difficult. When there is too much light, the camera has difficulty creating contrasts between parts of the photo. Therefore, take pictures an hour before sunrise or sunset, or even on cloudy days.

10- The setting is also important

The setting is also important

The setting is also important(Google source)

Certainly among the practical tips for taking amazing photos with your cell phone, this one cannot be missing. A good background can complement your image very well, and even highlight a certain element. If this is not planned, you run the risk of including something that shouldn’t be included in the photo.

A good alternative is touse the gridlines feature. If your cell phone doesn’t have it, then imagine three horizontal and vertical lines over the image, and then align the scene based on that. With this, an object will be accidentally cut.

11- Play with the focus

In the same way as adjusting the exposure, it can be done to adjust the focus. If you want to test it, do the following: select a nearby element and see how the background blurs, or select the background and nearby objects will blur. Try it and see the results!

12- Try lenses

If you’re looking to learn how to take landscape photos using your smartphone, you might want to try out phone lenses. Check first if your device has a wide angle mode. This type of lens helps capture expansive landscapes with much more detail.

13- Try the advanced settings

Usually almost all cell phone cameras have an advanced mode, where you can manually adjust settings such as white balance, ISO, exposure and more. Even if you don’t understand the subject, you can take tests and see the results.

14- Use photo editing apps

Use photo editing apps

Use photo editing apps(Google source)


It is recommended not to use correction filters when shooting. So, if you want to edit later, you can make all the necessary adjustments. Thanks to editing, using an application, you can transform your photographs and achieve excellent results.

Among the best apps are: Snapseed, Lightroom and Remini.

15- Test a different camera app

If you wish, you can also use a different camera app than the one that came with your device. VSCO has become quite popular lately, and it also serves to edit photos.

16- Train your gaze

To finish our list of practical tips for taking amazing photos with your cell phone, this one is essential! I already warn you that this requires more practice and dedication. Usually the photos don’t look so good at first, but with time you will learn to better use the resources and effects to create beautiful compositions.


Postado e revisado Sandro Freitas Tips em 31/07/2023
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