Top 10 Benefits of Healthy Eating During Pregnancy - Seu Seguro

Top 10 Benefits of Healthy Eating During Pregnancy

Well Being
Por: Sandro Freitas

In this article you can see the main benefits of healthy eating during pregnancy. Have a great read!

From the moment the pregnancy begins, the woman’s body undergoes several changes, and it is necessary to take some care to stay healthy and have a good development of the baby.

One of the main care that the pregnant woman should have during the 40 weeks of pregnancy is to have a healthy diet. Carrying this out is beneficial for both the mother and the baby. With this, you will avoid common diseases during pregnancy, gain adequate weight, among others.

It is estimated that more than 40% of pregnant women fail to reach the recommended weight gain. That is why it is so important to address this issue.

In today’s article we will see the main benefits of healthy eating during pregnancy. Follow!

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1- Improvement of the general health of the mother

Adequate food during pregnancy is essential for controlling gestational weight gain, since if it is higher or lower than recommended by specialists, the pregnant woman runs the risk of suffering unwanted diseases during pregnancy.

As well as, it can help and even relieve some of the symptoms that usually arise during pregnancy, such as nausea, trapped intestines and heartburn.

It is also worth mentioning that eating during pregnancy can create new eating habits that can remain after delivery. Which provides a better quality of life for the mother and at the same time can educate the baby from an early age to feed properly.

2- Proper nutrition for the fetus

Through proper nutrition, the mother offers adequate nutrition to the fetus, thus providing all the nutrients necessary for it to have an effective development.

Also, thanks to food during pregnancy, the woman creates an energy reserve for when the breastfeeding phase arrives. With this, she will be able to give the baby the right substances through her milk so that she has a healthy growth.

3- Healthy eating during pregnancy reduces the risk of premature birth

eating during pregnancy

Top 10 benefits of healthy eating during pregnancy

Studies have shown that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and grains can effectively prevent the risk of premature birth.

Therefore, foof during pregnancy is one of the main care that every woman should have during the 40 weeks. Following a balanced diet prescribed by the doctor, and added to good daily hydration, drinking 2 to 3 liters of water a day, the pregnant woman will have a significant reduction in giving birth ahead of time.

4- Better postpartum recovery

A balanced diet is essential for the mother and baby in the postpartum period, in addition to offering the necessary nutrients to the little one, it gives more energy and disposition to the woman. And if the birth was by cesarean section, a healthy diet, rich in vitamins and proteins, helps in proper healing.

5- Lower risk of childhood obesity

Good nutrition can directly influence childhood obesity. Studies show that children whose mothers during pregnancy ate a lot of processed foods with excess salt and sugar are at greater risk of childhood obesity.

A balanced diet during pregnancy can prevent health problems for the baby and the future adult who is developing, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, among others.

6- Improved cognitive development

As the great philosopher Hippocrates said: “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food”. It has been demonstrated that food directly influences the cognitive development of children. That is to say, a balanced diet considerably improves the intellectual capacities of the little ones.

7- Strengthening the immune system

A balanced diet that includes foods rich in: vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc and iron will help the body to have a strong defense system.

To strengthen the immune system during pregnancy, it is important to have a proper diet, acquire healthy habits and perform some physical activity.

8- Prevention of birth defects

Food during this period, even if it seems unimportant, requires all possible care. Nutritional deficiencies in this period can result in serious consequences for the baby, as is the case with some congenital malformations.

Therefore, it is essential that the pregnant woman consumes the necessary nutrients for the fetus to develop well.

9- Prevention of anemia

As mentioned earlier, iron intake is very important. Food rich in iron prevents anemia and other complications during pregnancy. Some examples of these foods: spinach, sardines, salmon, red meat and chicken.

Along with food, experts also recommend taking iron and folic acid to supplement.

10- Improved mental health

A healthy diet during pregnancy can help improve the mother’s mental health, lowering her risk of problems such as depression.

Experts recommend that during pregnancy, women must take some care to maintain their mental health, and among them is a balanced diet, which will provide all the necessary vitamins for both the mother and the baby’s development.


As we can see, food during pregnancy is essential during this period. In addition to contributing to the proper control of weight gain, it prevents diseases.

To follow a balanced diet during pregnancy, consult your doctor and he will indicate which foods and healthy habits you should include in your routine.



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