Get in Shape After Pregnancy
Regain shape after pregnancy with effective exercise, nutrition and personal care tips.
Learn how to resume physical activity safely and gradually to feel confident and healthy again.
Getting the body in shape after childbirth is a concern for many women. It is worth remembering that the baby’s own feeding helps the mother in returning to her normal weight.
But, in addition, the practice of physical exercises and a balanced diet are fundamental.
Many women despair in the first few months wanting to get back to their previous weight.
But everything is a process and must be respected. The woman’s own body has its natural mechanisms to gradually return to its shape after pregnancy.
If you are going through this phase, in today’s post I will show you some tips that will help you get in shape. And no absurd diets, please!
Use nature to your advantage (breastfeeding)

Get in shape after pregnancy
The female body is so perfect and “wise” so to speak, that all the weight that the woman gains during the period of gestation, she can easily lose by breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding besides being a great act of love, of affection, fosters the bonds between the baby and the mother.
Studies done in the States confirm that when the mother breastfeeds her baby in a normal way, she begins to lose weight and get in shape after pregnancy. This is due to the production of milk in the body, which helps burn calories, and can reach up to 800 calories in the day. With this, the woman begins a natural weight loss process without needing restricted diets.
I know that resting with a small baby at home is almost impossible. This new being demands all our attention and affection at all times, and it often seems that we have no moment of peace.
But rest is also part of the process of getting in shape after pregnancy and is of paramount importance.
We know that the nights of sleep will no longer be the same, so any moment you have to rest will be of great benefit. Since when we are stressed the body releases a hormone called cortisol, which can help to gain weight.
Have a healthy diet
During the breastfeeding period the woman should be more careful with what she eats since everything she eats passes to the baby through milk and there are certain foods that can cause gas.
In addition, there are certain foods that help a woman regain her shape after pregnancy. As it is also important to avoid stuffed cookies, drink plenty of water during the day and at the time of cooking prefer that it is steamed. And it’s best to have 5 to 6 meals a day, and don’t forget to drink enough water between meals. This helps in hydration and digestion.
Experts in this period recommend healthy and nutritious foods, such as:
- Milk;
- Red meat;
- Carrot;
- Cashew nut;
- Broccoli;
- Cabbage;
- Sweet potato;
- Avocado;
- Oats.
Practice physical exercises
The practice of exercises will help both in the recovery of the form after pregnancy, as well as to have moments of relaxation and distraction.
Doctors recommend if the birth has been natural, already after two weeks later you can start performing physical exercises and start gradually in a progressive way. If the delivery was by cesarean section, you should first consult your doctor before making any physical exertion.
Start a routine of exercises after childbirth, strengthen the pelvis, abdomen and improve posture. Among its many benefits it also helps to prevent postpartum depression that so many women tend to suffer from this ailment. With the practice of physical exercises you will be more willing to face your day and improve sleep.
Join other moms
Being in the company of other mothers can be an incentive to lose weight. You can, for example, make a commitment to maintain healthy eating and combine doing physical activities together. Research and talk about the benefit of being with other moms.
Sometimes we stop exercising because we don’t have company. If you join a group of mothers, surely one stimulates the other and physical activity is much milder and even fun.
If you have friends or neighbors who are also going through the postpartum period and want to get back in shape, join a small group and choose the best time for everyone on the day.
Precious tips
In addition to all the tips we saw above, there are others that will also help you a lot to get back in shape.
Reducing massage: Before you start doing it, always consult first with your doctor. This procedure is great for reducing measurements and helps to regain your silhouette;
Reducing drainage: Always remember to consult the doctor first to know if you are cleared to perform this procedure. It helps eliminate fluids, decreasing swelling, in addition to acting on localized fat;
Infrared and radiofrequency devices can also be used, which are great for combating flaccidity.
As we can see, the female body itself is already physically prepared to gradually return to its previous state. You shouldn’t charge yourself too much, let alone compare yourself to other women. Every organism is different and every woman has her own natural process.
You don’t have to despair or go on absurd diets that can harm both you and the baby. Remember that it will still take a while for your uterus to shrink in size and return to normal. Don’t forget about cortisol, the more stress and worry you are the more likely you are to gain weight.
So enjoy your baby, take care of yourself and feed yourself properly that will gradually reduce weight.
See also our post: What to do to have a smooth pregnancy. It will certainly be very useful and help you to clear doubts about the subject. And it doesn’t stop there, we have many other relevant topics to share.

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