Main Symptoms of Pregnancy - Seu Seguro

Main Symptoms of Pregnancy

Por: Sandro Freitas

Usually when a woman is pregnant her body begins to undergo a series of changes, thus appearing various symptoms of pregnancy. These changes are undoubtedly the first warning that a baby is on the way.

Symptoms of pregnancy may appear in the first few weeks, or in some women they may go unnoticed. Remembering that each woman is a different case.

According to experts, the initial events of pregnancy can be nonspecific, with low intensity, and can even be confused with symptoms of other pathologies.

Therefore, if you are suspicious of a possible pregnancy, in today’s post I have separated a list of the main symptoms of pregnancy. Keep reading and check it out!

Menstrual Delay

This is definitely one of the first and one of the most obvious symptoms of pregnancy. During pregnancy, the woman stops having her menstrual period for 40 weeks to allow the fetus to develop correctly in the uterus.

This occurs due to the increase in the production of the beta hCG hormone, the famous pregnancy hormone, which prevents the ovaries from releasing mature eggs.

Abdominal Swelling

This symptom can appear between the first seven days and two weeks. The same is due to increased blood flow and adaptation to the growing uterus. In some cases, this fact can be confused with mild to medium intensity menstrual cramps.

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Easy Fatigue

Fatigue is one of the symptoms that appears most during pregnancy, and can last up to 9 months. It begins to emerge approximately in the 2nd week. Therefore, it is normal for this sensation to increase during the first 12 weeks, while the body adapts its metabolism to provide all the energy necessary for the baby’s good development.

Sensitive Tits

Already in the first two weeks, the pregnant woman may feel that her breasts tend to become more sensitive. This occurs due to the action of hormones that stimulate the mammary glands, which are already starting to prepare for breastfeeding. And also gradually happens the increase in the volume of the breasts.

Morning Sickness and/or Vomiting

These are other very common symptoms usually in early pregnancy, especially in the morning. Some women may suffer from these symptoms until the end of their pregnancy.

Contrary to what many people believe, nausea is not always accompanied by vomiting. It is more frequent that nausea appears, and then disappears without the woman feeling the need to vomit, especially in the morning.

Craving for Strange Foods or Things

This is certainly typical of every pregnancy and can start right at the beginning of the first month, and then continue throughout the gestation period.

Many pregnant women feel like eating strange foods, trying foods they have never tried before, and even very peculiar things, such as the desire to eat dirt.

How to Confirm Pregnancy?

If you are experiencing some of these symptoms, or even several together, and you have an active sex life and without contraception, the best thing to do is get out of doubt. For this, you have several options.

Nowadays, with technology so advanced, there are several free pregnancy test by mobile applications for you to clear your doubts without even leaving home. And depending on the result, you can then have a Beta hCG blood test to confirm it. It is worth mentioning that it is always important to consult a doctor.

Posted and reviewed Sandro Freitas Pregnancy on 26/04/23
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