Pregnancy at 40 is Possible. Look! - Seu Seguro

Pregnancy at 40 is Possible. Look!

Por: Sandro Freitas

Is pregnancy at 40 possible? Check out all the details in this article that we prepared for you!
What many people, and especially men, do not understand is that a woman’s body has the famous “biological clock”. And the idea of ​​this has been stuck in our heads since we were little. And when the years go by, a demand even from ourselves arises.

There are those who believe that after a certain age a woman is no longer able to have children. But believe me, pregnancy at 40 is possible!
Many studies point out that a pregnancy at 40 has a series of benefits, such as: the woman is better educated, can have a consolidated professional career, and is much more likely to breastfeed.

If you want to fulfill the dream of being a mother, but are afraid because of your age, in today’s post I bring you all the necessary information. Check out!

Until what age can a woman get pregnant naturally?

My mother always said that after the age of 25 the female body begins to undergo a series of changes and we can really see that little by little. So much so that after that age the fertility rate drops by approximately 20% per month. There are even specialists who indicate that the peak of fertility is between 20 and 24 years old.

As soon as you reach 40 years old, the chance drops to 1% per month, and then at 45 it is practically impossible. Once the woman’s reproductive period is over, menopause begins, where the ovaries literally die.

All this, because the woman is already born with a certain ovarian reserve. And this cycle begins from the first menstruation to the arrival of the dreaded menopause.

Why is it harder to get pregnant after 40?

Studies carried out claim that the best period for a woman to get pregnant is between 20 and 30 years. This is because after the age of 35 the eggs begin an aging process, which can make it difficult to get pregnant at 40.

But this is not the only factor that can get in the way of realizing the dream of having children. In general, after the age of 35 during pregnancy, some health problems may appear that can harm the woman and even the baby during pregnancy.

Tests to find out if a woman can still get pregnant

If you want to have a pregnancy at 40, and you are in doubt, there are a series of tests that your doctor can indicate to you in order to be more sure if this is possible. They are:

Basal Hormonal Dosage: Blood test that analyzes the production of female hormones, as well as the functioning of the ovaries, ovulation cycle and number of eggs.

Anti-Müllerian Hormone: This blood test indicates how the ovarian reserve is.

Transvaginal Ultrasound: This is one of the most used methods in these cases, as it identifies the stage of ovulation the woman is in.

Why is it considered a high-risk pregnancy?

Management after 40 years of age is always considered risky. This is because women may be prone to diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, thyroid disease, among others. Such illnesses during pregnancy can endanger the life of both the mother and the baby.

Furthermore, at this age, the chances of the fetus having a chromosomal problem increase, possibly developing a genetic disorder such as Down syndrome.

Due to all this, specialists recommend future mothers to carry out previous tests before becoming pregnant and to have a complete follow-up.

Precautions a pregnant woman at 40 should have

Pregnancy at 40

Pregnancy at 40 is possible(Google Source)

As we saw earlier, care must take place even before pregnancy. It is recommended to have a preconception consultation, where the doctor will be able to assess the risks based on the exams sent by him. Something that is essential and that every specialist recommends is to start taking folic acid a few months before becoming pregnant and then throughout the pregnancy. With this, it helps to reduce the risk of possible malformations.

Once you are already pregnant, there are some care that is good to be taken into account so that a healthy pregnancy occurs. One of the main ones is to have a balanced diet rich in nutrients and vitamins, this is extremely important for a pregnancy at 40 years old.

There is another series of precautions that are no less important, such as: performing physical exercises (always with professional supervision); count on family support and take care of your psychological side.

Being a mother at 40 is possible!

Now that we’ve seen everything related to health, being a mother at 40 is indeed possible. We all know that there are risks, but at the same time following a series of care and recommendations from specialists, the big dream can come true.

Perhaps you have reached this age without having children for a variety of reasons, and all of them are certainly valid. As was said at the beginning of the post, women suffer a lot of pressure from the family and even from society. We are taught from a young age to take care of the house, with the intention that when we are old enough, we have to get married and have children. They make it seem that there is only this formula to follow in life.

But the way women see life has changed. Many seek to consolidate themselves professionally first, and then be able to offer a better quality of life to their future children.

So, if you want to have a pregnancy at 40, know that you are not alone. Look for a specialist and he will be able to show you the best path to follow so that the dream of becoming a mother can come true.
See also our post: What to do to have a smooth pregnancy. It will certainly be very useful and help you to clear doubts about the subject. And it doesn’t stop there, we have many other relevant topics to share. 

Posted and reviewed Sandro Freitas Pregnancy on 10/04/23
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