Preparing for Childbirth: Tips for Preparing for the Arrival of the Baby
From the moment we learn that we are expecting a baby, our life is filled with many emotions.
Our body begins to undergo transformations to receive this precious being. Months pass and our anxiety grows.
When the 40th week of pregnancy finally approaches, the body usually gives indications that the big moment is coming.
It is best for the mother-to-be to organize and prepare for this moment in advance, and not to leave everything to the last minute.
Check below for important tips on preparing for childbirth and for the arrival of the baby. Learn how to organize and prepare for this very special moment.
Do physical exercises
During the period of pregnancy, practicing some physical activity on a regular basis helps to alleviate discomfort and pain caused by the changes that normally occur in the woman’s body, as well as promoting muscle strengthening and facilitating performance at the time of childbirth.
Here are some exercises that serve as strengtheners:
- Support your back against the wall, separate your feet to maintain balance, and slide until your thighs are in a parallel position with the floor, and then return to the starting position;
- Place your hands and knees on the floor, and your head at the same angle as your back, pull in your belly and arch your back upwards, as if you were a cat;
- Sit on the floor and lean your back against the wall, bring your feet together and leave your legs in a butterfly shape, push your legs with your elbows.
Remembering that before starting any physical exercise, the pregnant woman must first consult with her trusted doctor, as well as be accompanied by a Physical Education professional who is qualified to deal with pregnant women.
If her doctor says she is fit, she prefers comfortable clothes and shoes, drinks enough water and always stretches before starting activities.
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Prepare yourself psychologically
The gestation process includes childbirth and motherhood, which are moments with a very high emotional charge.
Therefore, it is important to be psychologically prepared to calmly face the moment of the childbirth, and even the many daily challenges that every mother goes through.
At the time of birth, it is advisable to be accompanied by a spouse or a close relative, so that she feels calmer and safer, and thus better tolerates the normal pain of contractions.
Keep a balanced diet
Pregnancy is considered by many experts as a factor for obesity to appear in women’s health.
It is essential that the pregnant woman maintain a healthy diet during the 9 months, as this directly influences the weight and size of the fetus. If the baby reaches a very large size, it will be more difficult to perform a normal delivery.
Therefore, the ideal is to replace processed foods with more natural and healthier choices. A balanced diet directly helps the proper development and strengthening of the child, as well as preventing diseases during pregnancy and postpartum.
If you need to, you can seek the help of a nutritionist to guide you in the best possible way according to your case.
Meet the maternity and medical team
It is essential to be able to get to know the maternity hospital before the big moment, always paying attention to the facilities and whether it is prepared for the type of delivery you have chosen. As well as having the necessary equipment in case of an emergency. We want everything to be perfect, but we also need to think about everything.
Prepare the maternity bag
We know that babies don’t have a day or time to arrive! Therefore, from the 36th week onwards, you can leave everything ready. If you need to run out, you won’t have to worry about getting everything you need. And to help you a little more, see below what can’t be missing in your bag or the baby’s bag.
Mother’s suitcase
- Slippers or low shoes;
- Pajamas or nightgowns that have an opening in the front;
- Comfortable panties;
- Socks;
- Personal hygiene products;
- Nursing bra;
- Postpartum pads;
- Phone numbers of people who need to be notified;
- Clothes for leaving the hospital;
- Photographic camera;
- Prenatal card;
- Personal documents.
Baby bag
In most hospitals and maternity hospitals, diapers are provided. But if you want, you can take some just in case. It is important to note that all parts that the baby will wear must be washed before being used. For this, always use neutral soap.
- Bodies or shirts;
- RN size jumpsuits;
- Wool shawls;
- Cotton blanket;
- Fabric diapers to support on the shoulder and clean the baby’s mouth;
- Wool jacket;
- Pairs of socks.
Know the signs of childbirth
As soon as the childbirth approaches, the body itself begins to give some signs, the most evident being the uterine contractions, which become increasingly more frequent and uncomfortable. They start in the back, and then move to the lower part of the uterus, becoming increasingly painful and regular.
There may also be bleeding similar to menstruation, or even more, accompanied by contractions or cramps. If this happens, go to the hospital immediately, don’t waste time!
And of course we can’t fail to mention when the water bag breaks and the amniotic fluid, being with a greenish tone. Go to the hospital immediately.

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